Monday, January 27, 2020

Non Observance Of Grices Maxims

Non Observance Of Grices Maxims Grice pointed out that not all people observe the maxims, when the speaker fails to observe the maxims, this means that there is a distinction between what the speaker says and what he means, in other words, an implicature arises as a result of non-observance of the maxims, and the implicature here plays a great role to get the intended meaning of the speakers utterance. Grice distinguished five types by which the speaker fails to observe a maxim; they are flouting, violating, Infringing, opting out, and suspending. 1. Flouting a Maxim The speaker blatantly fails to observe a maxim in which he has no intention of deceiving or misleading. The speaker wishes to raise the hearers attention to the implicit meaning which is different from, or in addition to, the expressed meaning. According to Grice this additional meaning is called Conversational implicature and the way by which such implicature is generated is called flouting a Maxim (Grice, 1975:71).If the addressor and the addressee have shared the same background knowledge, the knowledge of interpretation is not the roles of linguistic forms but the knowledge of the world, then the implicature will accomplish (Couthared, 1987:8). 1.1 Flouting the maxim of quantity When the speaker blatantly gives more or less information that the situation requires, the speaker usually flouts this maxim because s/he uses insufficient words in conversation. In other words, the speaker gives incomplete words when s/he is speaking (Leech, 1983:140). For example: Women are women This utterance from the level of what is said is non informative, but it is informative at the level of what is implicated, and the hearers intention to such utterance depends on the ability to explain the speakers selection of this particular speech. The functions of flouting the quantity maxim are: Irony, Metaphor, Meiosis, Hyperbole, etc. (Grice, 1975:52- 53). 1.2 Flouting the maxim of quality In order not to get some punishments from addressee, addressor intends to say something untrue or lies and denies something. The speaker misrepresents his information in order to make the hearer understand the intended meaning of an utterance (Levinson, 1983:110). Example: Someone says to Xs wife, She is deceiving him this evening. From the context of the sentence, or from the tone or voice, it seems to be that the speaker has no adequate reason for supposing this to be the case, or possibly that she is the sort of person who would not stop short of such conduct (Grice, 1975:53-54). 1.3 Flouting the Maxim of relation The participant flouts this maxim in such a way makes the conversation unmatched, the participants topics are spoken in different ways; in this case the participant will change the topic by means of irrelevance topic of the partner of the conversation (Levinson, 1983:111). Example: A: Mrs. X is an old bag B: The weather has been quite delightful this summer, hasnt it? B has blatantly refused to make what he says relevant to As preceding remark. He implicated that As remark should not to be discussed; more specifically perhaps, A has committed a social gate (Grice, 1975:54). 1.4 Flouting the maxim of manner When the speaker says ambiguous language or uses another language which makes the utterance incomprehensible by addressee, this is the case of flouting the maxim of manner. Moreover, if the addressor uses slang or his voice is not loud enough s/he will flouts this maxim (Levinson, 1983:104). An example was given by Thomas (1995:71): Interviewer: Did the United States Government play any part in Duvaliers Departure? Did they, for example, actively encourage him to leave? Official: I would not try to steer you away from that conclusion. In the above example the official response is extremely long and convoluted and it is obviously no accident, nor through any inability to speak clearly, therefore, he has failed to observe the maxim of manner. The official has replied Yes. 2. Violating the maxims According to Grice (1975:49) the speaker violates a maxim when s/he will be liable to mislead the hearer to have such implicature. The speaker deliberately tries to make his utterance overt or to be noticed. This makes the hearer infers an implicature(Murray,2007).In the real life situations, many people tend to tell untruth and break the maxims of Grices cooperative principle when they communicate, they even do multiple violations for lying purposes(Gice,1975:45). People in real life tend to tell lies for different reasons: hide the truth, save face, feel jealous, satisfying the hearer, cheer the hearer, building ones belief, avoid hurting the hearer, and convincing the hearer. They believe that a lying is the natural tool to survive and to avoid them from anything that may put them in an inappropriate condition (Tupan Natalia, 2008:64-66). The talk of the non-observance of the four maxims is the same whether these maxims located in flouting, violating, and other non-observance, but the difference is in the kind of non-observance, therefore, in the following, the examples will be adequate to illustrate how speaker violates a maxim. 2.1 Violating the maxim of quantity The following example is a conversation between two friends John and Mike: John: Where have you been? I searched everywhere for you during the past three months! Mike: I wasnt around. So, whats the big deal? John poses a question, which he needs to be answered by Mike. What Mike says in return does not lack the truth, however is still insufficient. This can be due to the fact that Mike prefers to refrain from providing John with the answer. Johns sentence implies that Mike has not been around otherwise, he did not have to search everywhere. John does not say as much as it is necessary to make his contribution cooperative. Therefore, John violated quantity maxim (Khosravizadeh Sadehvandi, 2011:123). 2.2 Violating the maxim of quality The following example is a conversation between mother and her son: Mother: Did you study all day long? Son who has been playing all day long: Ive been studying till know! In this conversation, the boy is not truthful and he violates the maxim of quality. He lied to avoid unpleasant consequences such as, punishment or to be forced to study for the rest of the day (Ibid: 122-123). 2.3 Violating the maxim of relation The following is an example of conversation between a teacher and one of his students; Teacher: Why didnt you do your homework? Student: May I go and get some water? Im so thirsty. In this example the students answer is by no means irrelevant to the teachers question. One reason for this answer can be the fact that the student is trying to evade the interrogation posed by the teacher (Ibid: 123). 2.4 Violating the maxim of manner The following is an example of conversation between two friends Sara and Anna: Sara: Did you enjoy the party last night? Anna: There was plenty of oriental food on the table, lots of flowers all over the place, people hanging around chatting with each otherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Sara asked a very simple question, however what she receives from Anna is a protracted description of what was going on in the party. Two interpretations can be made from Annas description: 1.Anna had such a good time and2. She does not know how to complain about it. Anna is ambiguous; therefore, she violated the maxim of manner (Ibid: 123). 3. Infringing the maxims When the speaker has an imperfect knowledge or performance of language, the speaker here infringes the maxims like a young child or a learner of foreign language who has imperfect command of the language. Furthermore; nervousness, darkness, excitement may make impairment of the speakers performance, in these cases s/he does the infringement (Thomas, 1995:74).Sometimes speaker infringes the maxims because he is incapable to speak clearly, he does not know the culture or he has not enough knowledge of language. For example: Someone learning English as a second language speaks to a native speaker. English speaker: Would you like ham or salad on your sandwich? Non-English speaker: Yes The implicature has not been generated by interlocutor; s/he has not understood the utterance. The answer might be interpreted as non-operative; this is a case of different social knowledge which implied a different implicature (Dornerus, 2006:7). The difference between violating and infringing located in the fact of speakers intention; in violating the speaker is liable to mislead the hearer, whereas in infringing the speaker unintentionally fails to observe a maxim. Violating is a kind of misleading the hearer to get implicatures, the speaker here intends to mislead in order to save face or avoid hurting the audiences. Infringement occurs when a speaker fails to observe the maxim because he has no perfect knowledge to communicate. 4. Opting out the maxims When the speaker opts out from the maxim, s/he seems unwilling to cooperate in the way the maxim requires (Grice, 1975:71). Moreover, Thomas (1995:74) said that the example of opting out occurs frequently in public life, when the speaker cannot, perhaps for legal or ethical reason, reply in the way normally expected. The speaker usually wishes to avoid generating a false implicature or appearing uncooperative. Thomas also stated that giving the requested information might hurt a third party or put them in danger. For example: If a doctor or a nurse, who has complete confidentiality regarding his/her patients, is asked by the police or the press to reveal something about the patient that s/he is treating, he /she will reply: A: I am sorry but cant tell you anything. The doctor or nurse opted out maxim when s/he prevented from answering; the doctor seems to be unwilling to cooperate, due to the procedures of the hospital or for the sake of secret information or something else. (Dornerus, 2006:7). 5. Suspending the Maxims If there is no expectation on the part of any participant that the maxims will be fulfilled (hence the non-fulfillment does not generate any implicatures), the speakers do not observe the maxims. It may be culturally-specific to a particular event. The suspending of the maxim of quality can be found in funeral orations and obituaries, when the description of the deceased needs to be praiseworthy and exclude any potentially unfavorable aspects of their life or personality. Poetry suspends the manner maxim since it does not aim for conciseness, clarity and lack of ambiguity. In the case of telegrams, telexes and some international phone calls quantity maxim will be suspended because such means are functional owing to their very brevity .It is difficult to find any persuasive examples in which the maxim of relation is suspended (Thomas, 1995:76-78). 2. Methodology 2.1 Research questions Grice in 1975 developed the idea of cooperative principle; he has claimed that the speakers should observe the maxims to achieve the aim of communication. The study aims to analyze English proverbs from the perspective of cooperative principle. This study intends to answer the following three questions: 1. Are the English proverbs constructed by observance or non-observance of Grices maxims? 2. Which maxim failed to be observed more than others, and why? 3. Which kind of non-observance is used to construct English proverbs more than others, and why? 2.2 Data collection There are various sources of English proverbs and there are thousands of English proverbs around the world, these sources can not be absorbed in this thesis, therefore, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs will be the only approved source for this study. This dictionary edited by John Simpson and Jennifer Speake in 1998. This invaluable work of reference provides over 1000 of the best known English proverbs from around the world and commonly used in 20th century Britain. Proverbs in this dictionary arranged alphabetically by the first significant word, each one includes illustrative quotations, beginning with the earliest known use. The choice of proverbs in English language to be a data in this study is based on several reasons: firstly, English is a native language for people in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. Secondly, English became the second language in many countries around the world. Thirdly, English language is taught as a foreign language in the unive rsities, primary and secondary schools in most countries in Asia, Africa. English become a language of communication in broadcast, diplomacy working, and journalism. The dirty proverbs (if found) will be excluded from the study. 2.3 Research procedures This thesis is an investigation of English proverbs based on the theory of the Cooperative Principle; the non-observance of Grices maxims will be a framework to analyze the collected data. Qualitative and quantitative approaches will be adopted in this study. Qualitative study will be done to explore the observance and non-observance of Grices maxims. Quantitative study will be used to measure the frequency of observance and non-observance laid in the English proverbs and to promote the results. 3. Results and Discussion The following are one hundred of English proverbs chosen to illustrate the procedures followed in this study. The data will classify into groups according to the significant words shared by each group. Both qualitative and quantitative study will adopt: 3.1 The result of quantitative study The quantitative study reveals that the most of groups of English proverbs do not observe the Grices maxims (non-observance), the study shows that 87% of proverbs are flouted, except 13% observed Grices maxims. They are as follows: The maxim of quality is flouted (40) times, and gains 40% The maxim of manner is flouted (32) times, and gains 32% The maxim of quantity is flouted (15%) time, and gains 15% The result showed no flouting in the maxim of relation. The result shows that flouting is the only kind of non-observance that used to construct English proverbs it gains 87% from the total of proverbs, the results reveals that the maxim of quality gains a high percentage of flouting it gains 40% this percentage shows that the non-observance of these maxims is contributes in creating the function of proverbs. The maxim of manner gains the second percentage 32%, the lowest percentage of flouting is gains 15% which break the maxim of quantity. The observance of Grices maxim gains the lowest percentage 13% which states that a few numbers of English proverbs can achieve the function of proverbs. The following table shows the details of frequencies and percentages of English proverbs for each group:

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Compare and contrast teachers and administrator Essay

During my interviews I realized that being a teacher or an administrator has its ups and downs to it. The teacher answered her questions as someone who deals and interacts with children every day. The administrator answered his questions as someone who deals with more what’s best for the children with little interaction with them. Knowing what I found out about the two professions I would lean more towards as being a teacher because an administrator has too many responbilieties. There are many things that the teacher and the administrator have in common. First off they both are in education and want to help children grow into adults as the graduate. They both try to help educate the children without offending any religion or beliefs that the children may have. The teacher and the administrator both went to college to get a bachelor and master’s degree in education. They both have the similar reasoning for being in education field. Finally both of them share the love of being around children to help them be the best they can. Teachers and administrator have many things that are different from each other as well. They both have different degrees in education. An administrator has a master’s in business and a teacher has bachelors in science childhood education. The administrator went to college longer than the teacher. The teacher is there to have one on one time with the students if they need to stay for help. The administrator does not really have one on one time with the students they are to help keep students in school and any other problems that might occur. When I interviewed the administrator he was calm and very well spoken and knew a lot about running a school. He did not have any teachers in his family. He got his influence from his college English professor named Body†¦ The greatest benefit he has as an administrator is having the joy of knowing that he is helping educate and keeping children safe. The administrator does live in the same community has the children do? Yes, he believes that living around them will help to understand where the children come from and what kind of students they want to become. When I asked the administrator if he would recommend the education profession to others he said it is not for everyone. But the ones who do have what it takes to be teacher or work with children will have compassion towards them and understand what they want. So I asked myself is becoming a teacher still what I want and â€Å"yes† it is. To teach early childhood education is what I am called to do. I also learned during this interviewing process is that this job takes a lot patience, courage, and strength to help reach and teach students. I want to get to know each child as individual and what kind of goals they want for themselves. I want to help them reach it. I get closer to reaching my goal even though it has not been an easy road. I have had tons of support to do this. I would say being in administrator or a teacher is a great career a lot of responsibilities go with each one but at the end of the day it is worth it all.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


â€Å"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles,† this Is an old Chinese saying from Sun Tug who was a Military General from ancient China. Despite It was used for military tactic, the concept of this can also be used in modern society as it is perceived as a highly competitive community. Interpersonal perception refers to self-understanding physically, mentally and emotionally. Interpersonal perception in this essay related to how one conceive another by their attitudes, behaviors through both verbal and non-verbal ways.This essay examined how Intra- and Interpersonal perception contributes to individual success both at university and at work In the future. Firstly, understanding own strengths and weaknesses can improve academic performance by accurate self- assessment and self-monitoring. Secondly, better understanding of peers at university personal development due to the enhancement of relationship growth belief. Then, one c an take advantage of own talent at work once it is being discovered.Lastly, correct interpersonal perception may lead to a better coordination during work. Firstly, an accurate self-assessment ensures students to have a better tidying strategy and learning pattern. A research done by Debra reveals that student who can accurately self-monitor is able to distinguish between understood and less-understood materials. In the research, almost 90% of 314 respondents concluded that the Student Self-Assessment Sheet given by Debra did have impact on their exam preparation.One possible reason for the result is that they estimated what they have studied and what not before the exam. Therefore, learning strategy can be adjusted accordingly. For Instance, the time spent on understood materials can be reduce In order to prolong their study on those that are less-understood. As the result, study efficiency is enhanced and total time spent on study may be reduced. On the other hand, poor self-asses sment may result in over confidence and optimistic leading to poor study planning, and eventually to underperformed in the exam.From the evidence above, it is possible to conclude that self-understanding is critical In order to be success at university because It let oneself to notice his ability on the subject accurately and therefore shortcomings could be coped and academic result could be secured. More Importantly, one's distinctive spectacles could be covered, it could lead them to choose the right study field and the subject to be majored. In long term, accurate self-assessment may bring longstanding benefit.Secondly, an increase perceptions of mutual needs among university students enhance relationship growth belief. According to Deck, Chic and Hong, relationship growth belief refers to a belief which examining about the malleability and stability of personality, Intellectual ability and ethics (cited In Canaveral, Cocker, p. 370). Research done by Canaveral and Cocker beliefs that students' chronic compassionate goals, such as promoting mutually supportive relationships by eloping or supporting others, could help gain understanding between themselves.For example, one of the compassionate goals of the majority of students is helping freshmen to adapt new university environment by being a volunteer, through the difficulties and problems they experienced and the Increase In relationship growth degree of morality will be increased. These fundamental elements build up a strong leader figure at the university which increases competitiveness among peers. Thirdly, appropriate Job position can be choose through understanding of self- characteristics.A study from Institute of Management examined how personality lays the role for individual Job performance. For instance, a worker with a high conscientiousness provides an active problem solving attitude, a time-effective plan and keen on coping with work-related pressure. It is reflected as careful and responsible for the Job obligation. A worker who is high in extroversion is usually perceived as highly sociable, highly ambition and able to solve complex problems.A worker who has a high degree of agreeableness engages in social activities, mainly involve in interpersonal communication and resolve conflict between parties. Above extinctive personal characteristics categorize workers into various types of Job which it could make full use of their personalities. High conscientiousness worker could be allocated to be a manager; high extroversion worker could specialize in leadership skill; decent credibility colleague could involve in human relation department.Therefore, one's accurate self-perception provides an optimum Job position guide so that talent is not being wasted, and assist one's to become success in that particular field. Lastly, correct interpretation of colleague's personal characteristics could enhance working coordination and working efficiency. According to a research construct ed by Abele and Starters from Miami University, matching and mismatching could affect a decision. In a matching situation, individuals' preferences are similar, their common interest could lead to the same destination which the majority in the matching group would welcome.Since it is easier for individuals in the same group of behavior to communicate and coordinate, it enhances interpersonal liking. In addition, successful matching promotes a sense of belonging and a feeling of unity, these elements are essential for a high efficiency working environment as the capabilities of having misunderstanding and disagreement are diminished. An ordinary company is believed to have several types of workers, if one can have an accurate perception of others' characteristic, behaviors and favors.Appropriate way of handling matters could be used to cope with workers with various colleagues so that different interest could be met and better coordination could be assured. Interpersonal perception i n workplace is indispensable because task in corporation demands teamwork rather than individual contribution. Therefore, an accurate understanding of colleague could prevent unnecessary conflict and enhance working armory. To conclude, this essay examined how intra- and interpersonal perception contributes individual success both at university and later at work.First, accurate self-assessment guides to provide a better study planning thus lead to betterment of academic result. Second, understanding peer mutual needs may enhance relationship growth which rise competitiveness. Third, better Job selection with a clear understanding of personal characteristics and specialties. Last, correct interpretation of colleague's personality enhances working coordination as well as improves work efficiency and productivity.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Salary And Performance Of Offensive Players On Major...

INTRODUCTION This project investigates how salary and performance of offensive players in Major League Baseball are linked. We believe this is an interesting problem because it is traditionally believed that professional athletes play with hopes of earning a high salary, yet it often seems a batter’s performance is not linked to their salary (Jensen). Therefore, it seems as if the link between a player’s performance and their salary is different than their true performance. Performing a statistical analysis of this conundrum will give us great insight as to if it is accurate to say that performance changes salary drastically. Studies that prior statisticians have done differ from this study because their studies focus on salary and team performance rather than on the performance of individual players (Jane). Our study focuses on salary and individual performance in the current season. While there is extensive data on both game performances in the MLB and salaries, we can contri bute to the statistical community by comparing how salaries are affected by different performance indicators for randomly selected individual players. Essentially, our hypothesis is an examination into how a batter s game performance affects salary. We expect that the better a player’s statistics are, the higher their salary will be. KEY RESULTS: Upon beginning this project, our team hoped to discover which batting statistics resulted in higher salary for players. Knowing this we couldShow MoreRelatedThe Effect of Steriods in Major League Baseball Essay1343 Words   |  6 PagesBaseball is known as America’s pastime and is one of the most popular, respected sports on earth. Since the beginning of the sport, it seemingly advances with technology every year making faster and stronger players. 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